Let’s try to answer the question of why rich people think Gold is the perfect investment. How do they manage to preserve what they have accumulated and increase their capital? How do the most influential and richest people on the planet protect themselves from inflation, crises and destruction of financial markets?
According to Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, head of RIT Capital Partners, Gold will always be in value. In 2016, his company increased its investment in this precious metal to 8% of assets. In just six months, profit increased by £ 64 million. The founder of Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining company, Peter Munk made billions of dollars from the yellow metal. Barrick Gold’s profits grew every year, allowing Monk to make multimillion-dollar charitable contributions. Billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller considers gold to be his largest foreign exchange investment. His fund bought about 3 million shares of the GLD exchange-traded fund. The shares of this fund are 100% backed by gold!
Despite the instability of the financial markets, companies that work with Gold will always be reliably protected. Gold provides a strong financial position for a person, allows you to lead the desired lifestyle and help others.