Rapaport Diamond Report


The weekly price list Rapaport Diamond Report (RDR) is the oldest and most popular diamond price indicator.

     It was first published in 1978, thanks to the brilliant idea of the American expert Martin Rapaport to bring diamond pricing to a single standard. RDR is published in the form of two issues of prices: for round diamonds and for pear-cut diamonds (plus the rest of the fancy cuts). It is published in the form of tables, which are divided into categories of weight in carats (from 0.01 to 10.00), with a cut quality not lower than Very Good. The price is determined depending on the characteristics of the stone: weight, degree, purity and color. In each weight group of the table, the price is indicated for 1 carat, not for a stone, in hundreds of US dollars.

      The numbers  indicated in the price list are based on the average value of diamonds in the New York market.

     According to Martin Rapaport, the Rapaport Diamond Report reflects the real situation on the market, regardless of its condition. For many years, it has undoubtedly been the basis for most transactions involving diamonds and rough diamonds.

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